Currently, we use various sets of scripture memory cards or verse cards:
TMS was developed for or by the Navigators while the rest are developed by Biblical Mentoring. Some sets are still being developed indicated by * In Development.
Click on each link to see the online digital / pdf version.
Topical Memory System (TMS) 60 Verses
1. Sub-set of 30 Verses – Odd Numbers
2. Sub-set of 30 Verses – Even Numbers
Gospel of John (In Development)
Church Planting (Special set to be used by groups dedicated to planting new churches).
Heart of Christ (Based on book titled “Gentle and Lowly” by Dane Ortlund)
In Development: Shorter Catechisms (Theological questions, answers and a key memory or review verse). Link to Shorter Catechisms History.
In Development: Biblical Worldview. (Based on book titled “What is the Christian Worldview” by Philip Graham Ryken, PR Publishing, 2006.)
Marriage Mentoring is to be used to mentor and train couples as marriage mentors. This is what we use to encourage couple-to-couple mentoring with training on the subject of Marriage. This can be weekly or monthly with fewer verses.
Business as Mission (BAM) has been started and is under development. Note: the BUV Ministry is an example of a BAM operation where the Basic Utility Vehicle is a vehicle for both transportation and transformation.
Other Sets Being Considered / TBD: