Marriage Mentoring

Introduction:  This is our first and only set of verses to be used in a couple-to-couple mentoring setting.  One older seasoned couple can have a passion to encourage another younger couple along in their journey together.  No one does life or marriage perfectly.  Partnership in marriage may be the most challenging and most important Covenant (not Contract) in our lives.  A Marriage Covenant (like God’s Covenants)  is not to be broken if possible.   God’s mercy and grace is for his us, his children if needed to endure or start over.   The idea is that this offers a great monthly face-to-face session but  can certainly be done with a facetime session or even a phone session after you get to know each other visually.  Important:  This is NOT therapy but there are benefits similar as everyone seeks to be humble and teachable.  It is important for all to pledge confidentiality in order to build trust.  No one has the right to seek for advice from a counselor for anyone other them themselves.   IMPORTANT:  The mentoring becomes training to help couples become marriage mentors possibly for life as you invest in the lives of other couples.  Part of your training is to switch roles when the trainee couple is ready to be the trainer couple with coaching.  This is so needed and workable.

Click on the Verse # (in RED) for a pdf of the verse for your session.

IMPORTANT:  See Instructions below.  

Marriage Mentoring (MM)  / Ron Lively, M.Div., M.A.
Developed for Training Couples to serve as Marriage Mentors
Verse # Topic Verse
MM-1 Marriage & Family: Man & Woman / Procreation Genesis 2:23-25
MM-2 Marriage – Effects of the Fall Genesis 3:22-23
MM-3 Marriage Covenant / Companionship Malachi 2:14-16
MM-4 Marriage: Two Becoming One – Not to be Separated Matthew 19-3-6
MM-6 Marriage Communication (Active Listening) Proverbs 18:12-14
MM-7 Marriage Brings Rejoicing Isaiah 62:4-5
MM-8 Marriage is a Mystery Walk in Love Ephesians 5:31-32
MM-9 Marriage Partnership / A Life-Long Commitment 2 Corinthians 6:14-16a
MM-10 Marriage & Honor Hebrews 13:4
MM-11 Marriage & Adultery Matthew 5:31-32
MM-12 Marriage & Sexual Morality I Corinthians 7:2-3
MM-13 Marriage With a Non-Believer I Peter 3:1-2
MM-14 Marriage: Thanksgiving, Submission & Love Colossians 3:17-19
MM-15 Marriage Support:  A Couple Plus Christ Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Revised: 20240816

The format for couple-to-couple marriage mentoring is the same as for our one-to-one (life-to-life) mentoring / training.  This will probably be best suited for monthly meetings or calls but it could easily be for weekly sessions if participants have the time.  A session will probably last for no more than an hour.

  The trainer couple (or even the trainee couple) opens the session with prayer asking the Holy Spirit to serve as the Teacher and that there will be sensitivity with clarification, accurate understanding and application of the Scriptural principles.

Second:  Each person reads the key verse (memory verse).  Offering these verses by memory is ideal but each person reading the key verse will work especially if it is long.  (Each person should review the key verse or verses as well as the chapter in preparation for the session).

Third:  Next, take turns to read and offer a brief commentary or explanation of a verse or group of verses from the whole chapter of the key verse.   It is usually best to limit each reading to 2 or 3 verses so that it can be summarized.  Ask – what are these few verses teaching us.  Many are challenged to explain Scriptures but this is essential for better understanding and application.

Fourth: When done with the chapter, transition by asking for personal prayer requests.  Seek for less general requests but more personal requests.  The trainer couple will probably need to model this kind of requests for themselves and their marriage and family first.  Seek for vulnerable and humble hearts.  Break away from general or even important prayers for others in your church fellowship since the couple being trained may not be in your fellowship.

Fifth:  Close your session with each couple praying specifically for the other couple’s request.  This is relational marriage mentoring.  Encourage each person to pray even if it is a quiet time for personal prayers until they are comfortable praying out loud.  Sometimes listening to another person pray allows us to hear how one talks to their (our)  Father/Lord.

It is important that each couple understand that they are receiving training to become a marriage mentoring couple one day as they experience this marriage mentoring.  We must multiply (train others) to fulfill what Jesus requested in the Great Commission in Matthew 28.

Contact Ron to participate as couple-to-couple mentor and for some coaching.  May God bless your efforts to encourage healthy functioning marriages and families for God’s Glory.

Contact Info:  Ron Lively