Marriage Mentoring

In Development (the verses in RED are complete and ready to use for monthly sessions) –
This is our first and only set of verses to be used in a couple-to-couple mentoring setting.  One older seasoned couple can have a passion to encourage another younger couple along in their journey together.  No one does life or marriage perfectly.  The idea is that this is a great monthly face to face meeting but this can certainly be done with a facetime session or even a phone session after you have met the other couple.  This is NOT therapy but there are benefits similar as everyone seeks to be teachable.  The mentoring becomes training to become marriage mentors possibly for life as you invest in the lives of another couple.  This is so needed and workable.  Call me for advice and coaching.  Ron

Marriage Mentoring (MM)  / Ron Lively, M.Div., M.A.
Verse # Topic Verse
MM-1 Marriage – Man & Woman / Creation Genesis 2:23-25
MM-2 Marriage – Effects of the Fall Genesis 3:23-24
MM-3 Marriage Covenant / Companionship Malachi 2:15
MM-4 Marriage:  Two Becoming One not to be Separated Matthew 19-4-6
MM-6 Marriage Communication (Active Listening) Proverbs 18:3
MM-7 Marriage Brings Rejoicing Isaiah 62:5
MM-8 Marriage is a Mystery Ephesians 5:31
MM-9 Marriage Partnership / A Life-Long Commitment 2 Corinthians 6:14
MM-10 Marriage & Honor Hebrews 13:4
MM-11 Marriage & Adultery Matthew 5:32
MM-12 Marriage & Sexual Morality I Corinthians 7:2
MM-13 Marriage With a Non-Believer I Peter 3:1
MM-14 Marriage Soul Mates / Mentoring Each Other’s Soul Colossians 3:6-7
MM-15 Marriage Support – 2 are Great but 3 is BEST Ecclesiastes 4:9