Biblical Worldview

Biblical Worldview


Biblical Worldview (BW)  / Ron Lively, M.Div., M.A.
Source: What is the Christian Worldview? by Philip Graham Ryken, PR Publishing, 2006.
A. Introduction of Biblical Worldview 
A1 What unifies a Biblical Worldview? Genesis 1:1
A2 How did Moses describe the God of the Bible? Exodus 34:6-7
A3 Did God create the universe and then leave it to run on it’s own? Ephesians 1:11-12
A4 How is God described in the Bible (Word of God)? I Timothy 1:16-17
A5 Is the one true triune God the joy at the heart of the universe? Acts 17:26-28
A6 God is not silent.  What are the two ways He revealed Himself to us? Psalm 19:1-2, & 7
A7 Besides Scripture, is there another Word of God? John 1:1-3
A8 In what ways do we see the Father when we see and know the Son (Jesus)? John 12:44-46
A9 How do we know Truth and “True Truth”? John 4:6-7
A10 How can we proclaim that Christianity is a God-given, Bible-based Christ-centered worldview? Titus 1:1-3