Prayer Needs


New plan – this trip to Indy is being postponed.  Dave and friends in Grundy, VA are dealing with serious school flooding and his friends have their homes flooded.  Plus – we have a bit of a snow storm here in TN and up in Indy I assume.  Pray we can reschedule this trip soon.  FYP – Penny and I will be heading up and over to Alexandria, VA to meet our new grandson on 2/28.  FUN.  Josh and Becca’s first child who is two months old.  Thanks.


Pray please.  Mountain Mission School is located in Grundy, VA.  This is the Christian orphanage school I am encouraging to manufacture BUVs for the purpose / value of the vocational education of some older students.  I learned about this ministry when helping to work a BUV booth at the International Missions Conference last year.  

Will Austin (founder of IAT /BUV – agreed to my proposal to prepare for them  a BUV kit which they are picking up this Friday /Saturday.  (2/28)

Will is offering a manual and some training of Dave, two adult friends (high quality engineers who work for the large mining companies in Grundy area) and two two high school students whom he plans to train to build / manufacture  Basic Utility Vehicles to send to a ministry in Africa that buys the BUVs they make.  This should radically change the lives of a few Christ-centered students here and the lives of those who will become BUV drivers whom we intend to mentor / train for discipleship there as well

This is also a way to help increase my financial support.  As the broker setting up this proposal/ deal, I will earn a commission per vehicle when it gets sold.  This will help fund the budget for the weekly training calls I offer free of charge (for donations).  See our Pay-It-Forward webpage.  Please pray about helping with my travel expenses, etc.

I can get excited about finding more Dave’s and more schools like this to build these sturdy and long lasting off-road utility vehicles not just for the mission of the BUV Ministry but primarily for the education of some students.  And for the ministries that desperately need them.  

In addition, part of this plan is to train Dave with Biblical Mentoring.   Actually that was our starting point.  We have had several weekly mentoring/training calls already with plans for Dave to start training other MMS teachers and house parents then students one day.  All for God’s Glory.

Link for Mountain Mission School  is:

Thanks.  Your part in praying may be more important than what Will, Dave or I can do in this mission.

In Christ, Ron