Biblical Mentoring

Mentoring with Training for Disciple-Making Disciples

Our mission to mentor and train disciple-making disciples is growing as we continue to depend on God providing individuals to become trainers and for more participants who wish to be mentored / trained /coached and lastly for others to donate or “pay-it-forward” the funding for the necessary costs.  So we pray daily for more mentorees to be trained and more financial and prayer partners.

We are:  FOR Disciple-Makers BY Disciple-Makers ABOUT Disciple-Makers!

We invite you to join us to “go and make (train) disciples teaching them all that Jesus taught” which is Christ’s Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20.

We are disciples of Jesus who are intentionally “disciple-making disciples”.   

Depending on the Spirit of Truth as each person’s primary teacher, a Biblical mentor is one who helps a participating mentee (trainee) who is willingly engaged in weekly phone or video training calls by interpreting the Bible, which is the Word of God, i.e., the Word of Truth, by which we live and make mature wise decisions.  We seek to train new participants consistently, for all of our life, with a life-to-life context in a one-to-one format, while training them to do the same.  This one-to-one format makes this relational discipleship training.  Today, it seems that discipleship is more about just spiritual growth without the training for multiplication.  Spiritual growth with training for multiplication is the goal of Biblical Mentoring.

In other words, every person who chooses to respond to the “Come, follow me” call of Jesus Christ  is instantly a disciple (student) of the Word of God that was written by those inspired by the Holy Spirit who becomes our Counselor, Comforter, and Teacher as we fulfill our duties as an Ambassador of God.  We speak His Truth(s) to reconcile others to God – the Father,  and Son Jesus (who is our Redeemer by His one-time sacrifice on the Cross) and the Holy Spirit.  Proclaiming and living by God’s Truth is God’s will for each of us regardless of our personal or professional roles in life.

Biblical Mentoring  was established to teach and model the craft of becoming a life-long student of the Bible who  mentors and trains and ultimately coaches disciple-making disciples globally.  We start with the Topical Memory System (TMS) verse memory cards which are now offered as a pdf (See Memory Verses).

Paul’s instructions to Timothy:
“You then my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”  – 2 Timothy 2:1-2

We teach The Word of Truth:
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for:
teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Through Biblical Mentoring, we learn the value and path of developing biblical character by:
– learning life’s path of Biblical character.
Rebuking – learning what is not consistent with the path.
Correcting – learning how to get back on the path.
Training in Righteousness – learning to stay on the path & become a disciple-making disciple.

Each person with needs volunteers to help another person with needs to reach a deeper faith in Christ and other higher goals.  There is a mutual benefit from our encouraging and equipping each other.

Simple;  No Charge; Supported by Volunteer Pay-It-Forward Donations

Remember – it is more about what you START that counts!
To get started, you only need:

1.  Desire for true spiritual growth (a teachable spirit).
2. Thirty minutes for weekly training calls plus time it takes to memorize a verse and study.
3.  A trained disciple-maker who is committed to his or her role as a trainer.
(Each person who has been trained prays for a trainee from their own network of friends.)


CONTACT # – call 615-238-4035;

WhatsApp:  +16152384035

Note:  We do not charge for the weekly training sessions but we do encourage pay-it-forward donations to cover our operating costs.  Prayer for the financial support is needed.  Thanks.

Click on Pay-It-Forward (Donate) if you wish to offer financial and/or prayer support.

(Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 1:7)

In Christ,

Biblical Mentoring Team

Click HERE for a two page SUMMARY and PLEDGE FORM.









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